Thursday, May 1, 2014

As We Forgive

We all have desires to be better. At times, despite our wishes, "better" seems so far away. Our desire to be better doesn't seem to stretch far enough to change everyday actions and the little effort put in is laughable and ends up discouraging us more than it does to help us. What then is to be done about the things we always notice and dislike but never can seem to change about ourselves?

As I remember my own experiences of being trapped in the web of discouragement, the worst part was the feeling that I was helpless to get free. Working on a “positive mental attitude” seemed like only kidding myself.  I got to a point where I saw two options.  Give up because my effort does nothing, or give it my all and see if it works.  Giving it my all to the promise found in the scriptures.
“The Spirit of the Lord came upon them, and they were filled with joy, having received a remission of their sins, and having peace of conscience, because of the exceeding faith which they had in Jesus Christ.” (Mosiah 4:3)
Alright, so I decided I want that.  What is next?
Well I started by changing all of the things in my life that weren't in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ.  It was hard work!  But once you get through the fight of the big things, it gets easier.  Now some days I feel that peace and happiness promised, and other days I don't.  I have been trying to figure out what is holding me back.  As I analysed the times that I wasn't happy and the events and choices leading up to it, I found that I have no idea what to do to be happier!  The circumstances and resulting feeling are always different.  So how can I know what I can change to find that promise everyday?

Well Sister Chowen said a quote to me that I have heard super often, but it wasn't until she said it that I understood:
"True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior.  The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than the study of behavior will improve behavior." (President Boyd K Packer)

Maybe read it twice because it took me a while to understand.  Here I was studying my actions and trying to see which actions to change so that I could change.  But only by understanding the full picture of why I want to change will give me the desire strong enough to act on it.  Once I realize that God loves me, and I have a divine nature that I can live up to, will help me want to follow the example of Jesus Christ.

So I began to study the doctrine of Jesus Christ, to see what I can learn; and from that, what I can change to live according to my understanding.

As I studied The Lord's Prayer, I figured out one thing I could work on:
"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." (Matt 6:12)
There are some people from my life that I haven't forgiven.  Who would've thought that the dumb things from five years ago could hold me back?  But its true, I should expect what I deserve, and I need to forgive.  I have felt the peace that comes from the forgiveness of sins, and I know that I need to learn how to forgive others.  I asked my mother for her advice, and I would like to pass it on to you.

"I don't think that forgiveness is a lesson that you learn just once and then from then on it is easy to forgive anytime it is needed. At least, it hasn't been for me. Every time it is hard to do. Every time I've had to pray for Heavenly Father's help to do it, and every time I have received His help and have felt His love for that person that I needed to forgive." She went on to promise that after forgiveness comes, you never need to be bothered by that person any more.  You can even love them! And you can be grateful for the experience that you had with them because it has helped you grow closer to the Savior (Who knew?) - Only God!

I have learned that to forgive, you need love.  And my pride and hurt gets in the way of me loving someone who hurt me.  I realized that forgiveness doesn't come from me.  I have tried so much on my own, but I can't do it.  The only way that I am going to reach forgiveness is through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  His love can strengthen us and His Grace can enable us.  It is through Him that we can overcome anything.  I know that good things don't come all at once.  Understanding and learning come overtime, through pray, study, experience, and keeping God's commandments.  Forgiveness, and anything else you are searching for comes from these things.

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