Wednesday, June 4, 2014

To The Prisoners in the Desert

As I am here serving a mission in Arizona, it gets really hot outside, riding around on a bike.  Sometimes adversity comes in the form of negative thoughts, or even tempting thoughts: "Why can't I stop and go swimming? It is so hot, why am I out here?"  As these questions come into my mind I think of the reason why I am here:  I have been called by a prophet of God to share what I know. And I know that my message is true. As I read the scriptures, I find more things that I can be doing to help the people to whom I am called to serve.  The Lord has promised, "I will preserve thee" (Isaiah 49:8) And when the Lord promises, I know I can trust it. I can face the heat.  And just after that promise, He teaches us how we can help one another:
That thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them that are in darkness, Show yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall be in all high places.
How can we help the people around us to have their pastures in high places? There isn't a prison in my neighborhood and people usually don't answer their doors at night; I don't think that is the darkness or prison that Isaiah is talking about.  I think that those "in darkness" is talking about those who are lacking some sort of light; whether that be knowledge, or Jesus Christ, or just a positive outlook. Is there such a way that we can be in a spiritual prison, or sitting in darkness?
Agree with thine adversary quickly while thou art in the way with him, lest at any time he shall get thee, and thou shalt be cast into prison. 
Agreeing with our adversary can cast us into prison.  So when I act on those thoughts that it is hot outside, and I give up the work to go inside, I am putting myself in prison.  The choices we make limit ourselves from the blessings that come from striving to be our best.  Same with any negative thought.  When you believe the thoughts that no one likes you, you want to freeze or sink into yourself and not speak out and make friends. When someone cuts you off in traffic and you let your angry thoughts lead to action, you want to fight, which can cast you in real prison. When someone asks for your help and you pretend to be busy and leave, you are casting yourself into prison and away from the blessings that come from serving and loving one another. Any of these actions, freezing, fighting, and running away, are the ways that we cast ourselves into prison. When we choose to act upon outside forces, instead of acting for ourselves, you are limiting yourself of full happiness. You put yourself in prison.  The Lord has said, 
"Behold, I give unto you a commandment, that ye suffer none of these things to enter into your heart; For it is better that ye should deny yourselves of these things, wherein ye will take up your cross, than that ye should be cast into hell." 
That does not sound very good! I think that all of us find ourselves imprisoned by our mistakes at some point. Jesus Christ helps us to be freed from those prisons.  Trials come in all sorts of different ways.  Christ can help us, and as we strive to be like Him, we can help each other.  And we do this by sharing what we know to be true! I know that Jesus Christ can help us overcome any mistake we have ever made! He will take care of us!  We help bring one another's pastures to be in higher places, and we help bring people to a better place in life.
They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them.
That's a cool promise! Especially here in the dessert!  So I will go forth and share this message to the people in the heat, that they will not thirst any longer! I will go and teach people how to act, and not to be acted upon by adversity that arises! I will show to everyone that we can find peace in the hardest of times and drink in the hottest of times, through Jesus Christ!
O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! Then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea 
The peace that comes from obedience to God's commandments will be like a river. It will be refreshing in a world of so much sin. As we sincerely act on the message of Christ, we may face challenges, and heat, but God will help us!
And they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts: he caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them: he clave the rock also, and the waters gushed out.
There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked.
I have found so much peace in my life, through all of the hard times. I know that God is with me always. I know that you never need feel alone or afraid because God is always there! Look for the blessings in your life and you will see Him! I see Him everyday as I make it through the heat!

When the day gets hot, I think of the Book of Mormon story of Nephi and Lehi being cast into prison and then the prison was set on fire.  That must have been hot!  But the Lord had given them a work to do, and they had faith that they would be preserved.  
And when they saw that they were encircled about with pillar of fire, and that it burned them not, their hearts did take courage. Helaman 5:24
They truly saw the blessings of God that come when we have faith!  I am not incircled in flames, but I take the same courage as I see the blessings in my life.  And I know that in the heat of the world, I will never thirst as I feast on the words of Christ- Whether those words be from the scriptures or from the faith and testimonies of others.

One way that you can bring peace to others is by sharing your testimony! It will bring so much joy into the lives of the people that you love! Share it and help out the people that are in the midst of a prison, or in darkness, or in the desert! I know that as you do, you will grow closer with them as well as with your Savior, who loves you.

What is your testimony! Please share it and give me a drink, its hot outside!

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