Friday, March 14, 2014

Day By Day

And now, my son, I have somewhat to say concerning the thing which our fathers call a ball, or director—or our fathers called it Liahona, which is, being interpreted, a compass; and the Lord prepared it... And it did work for them according to their faith in God; therefore, if they had faith to believe that God could cause that those spindles should point the way they should go, behold, it was done; therefore they had this miracle, and also many other miracles wrought by the power of God, day by day.  Nevertheless, because those miracles were worked by small means it did show unto them marvelous works.
(Alma 37: 38-41)
Miracles happen everyday, and it is by the small means that we can see the hand of God in our lives.

We met a lady named Jennifer, and we invited her to come to church.  At first she didn't really want to come, but eventually she said that she would.  We stopped by her house late Saturday evening and helped her weed her garden.  It was so fun to visit with her and her best friend. Then when the job was done (which wasn't easy in the dark!)  We said "see you tomorrow!" and we were on our way.

Sister Roth and I were so excited for Jennifer to come to church with us.  As we left the next morning Sister Roth suggested calling like a wake-up call.  I said that maybe that was being a little pushy.  We discussed it and came to the conclusion that if Jennifer wanted to come, she would wether we called her or not.  A few minutes after we decided this, Sister Roth said, "Oh it won't hurt! If she wants to come then she'll be happy that I called, and if she doesn't want to come then she can tell us and she won't have to!"
Then Sister Roth suggested that we say a prayer.  God always knows what is best and what we should do!  So we prayed and nothing huge came to tell us if we should or shouldn't call, but more of a peace that if good can come from it, then we should do it.

It rang, and rang, and then informed us, as we knew it would, that the voice mailbox has not been set up yet.  We hung up, and remarked on how it was worth the shot to call.  We started visiting with the members that were filing in before the meeting started.  The phone started ring.  It was Jennifer!  We answered and she said she was on her way and asked if we could meet her outside. 

We were both beaming when we met Jennifer.  And she told us how she had forgot to set her alarm and that our phone call had woken her up!  She said she was happy that we called because she really wanted to come to church.

It was amazing to see how the small means of a phone call can help someone come closer to God.  I know that there are different things acting on us, pushing us to act in different ways, but it is up to us what we will act on.  And I know that as we exercise faith, the Lord will always keep telling us what it is that we need to do!

When you pray you are exercising faith.  And according to your faith, the miracles come.  Start by praying, and then look for the small means day to day that show you God's love.  His love is in every day, and if you look for it you can see it!  I know that God loves us, and He wants to be a part of our lives.  As we pray to Him, we allow Him to have a bigger role everyday, and it brings peace and blessings.

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