Monday, February 17, 2014

He Will

"But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in Him,  
and serve Him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, 
He will
according to His own will and pleasure, 
deliver you out of bondage."
                                                                                                                (Mosiah 7:33) 

In times of misfortune and woe
My heart often cries "to whom shall I go?"
Deep inside we all know the truth,
But for me, it was lost in my youth.
Ignored or forgotten,
My souls happiness gone rotten

Where shall I go?

Long nights and dark tears
Run, hide or face your fears
My mind gets stuck in memories that are past
I prayed every night that fear won't last
I tried to break free
From the grief inside of me

A glimmer of light
Waits at the break of the night.
Oh Lord, my redeemer
Thou hast done so much for me
I turned my face away and you waited lovingly for me to see

I feel the warmth from the son
I desired to say "Thy will be done."
I am slow to trust
But I know that I must
Come unto Thee
That my soul may be free

Lord help me turn away from my past
And come to the joy that I know will always last
My actions will demonstrate the love I have found
I will teach of Thee, 
And help others to see
God loves all of His children
And with love and joy they can be free

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