Monday, February 17, 2014

Always Abounding in Good Works

"Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works, that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power, and justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in earth, who is God above all. Amen." 
(Mosiah 5:15)
The blessings promised by prophets of old are for all men of every time.  Jesus Christ loves all of us, no matter what day and age we live in.  As I learn of Christ, and I become "steadfast and immovable," I try to remember that I must also always be abounding in good works.  

I have felt the Love of Christ in my life.  I know that He loves me personally.  It is tough for me, at times, to take that understanding and still focus on others.  Yes, Jesus loves me but He never taught me to be selfish.  I want to follow His example and serve others.

What if you had to give up your parking spot in the middle of the day to share it with someone else? 

Lazy habits are Satan's greatest fight against righteous service.  

Awake and shake off the dust!  Take a second today to swallow that little bit of pride, and go and do something good in the world.  The small things are the most important.  Isn't it nice getting that gross taste out of your mouth?  Sometimes you don't realize how dumb you are being until you start acting smart!  I know that I get caught thinking of myself all the time.  Take a second today to ask someone you pass if they need help.  Its easy! Once you decide to do it :)

I know that one of the fastest ways to make your life happier is to help someone out.  Everyday my companion Sister Roth asks anybody that we pass if we can help them with something.  They always say no.  "Are you sure?"  She'll ask.  Some people need help, but don't want to take it.  

Finally we had a lady who was weeding her yard said, "sure if you want to!"  And what a great day that was!! We got to weed a garden, in 85 degree heat, while wearing skirts.  But we did it, to help this woman out.  Afterwards she gave us some water and sent us on our way.  And that was it.  No astonishing result, no miracle.  Just a smile and a bit of joy in the day. (and some dirt under my nails to remember it by!)

I know that Christ loves all of us.  He has done so much for us.  Your love will be shown through your actions.  Show your love, and help someone see His love, and I know that you will feel the love of Him who created all things.

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