Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pour Out My Whole Soul Unto God

"Now, it came to pass that when I had heard these words I began to feel a desire for the welfare of my brethren, the Nephites; wherefore, I did pour out my whole soul unto God for them."
(Enos 1:9) 

My companion, Sister Roth, had to go to a training leader conference today.  I am not a training leader, so I couldn't go.  Instead I hung out with two sisters in a neighboring area to mine.  Towards the end of Sister Roths meeting we saw a man pushing a shopping cart down the sidewalk.  As we drove past we noticed that he had two more shopping carts waiting at the end of the road. 

We stopped and asked him where he was going.  DOWNTOWN MESA! (Which is forever far away.)  He was pushing one cart to the end of the street, and going back for the next, until he got all three across the crosswalk and could start on the next stretch of road.  We asked if we could help him push his carts for a while.

We each took a cart and started walking!

About twenty minutes later we reached the edge of our area and told him that we were going to have to start to head back.  But we asked if we could try to maybe tie his carts together for him.  He said that might be a good idea.  So we looked around and saw a car-spa back down the road a little from where we had just come.  We knew that they might not have rope, but we decided to try there anyways.

As we were walking back we heard the phone ring.  I got so excited. "Sister Roth is coming back and wants to know where to meet me."  But as we checked out pockets, none of us had the phone.  We looked around and saw it laying open on the edge of the sidewalk almost in the road!

I ran over and answered it.
"Sister Roth, you just saved the sister's phone from being lost on the side of a busy road forever!  We were walking back by it and had you not called, we wouldn't have known it was lost and we would have left it behind for good!"

I heard Sister Roth on the other end of the phone:
"Oh my goodness, I can't believe it! I have been praying! The sisters that I am with need to get to a lesson and you weren't answering the phone. And I prayed saying 'Heavenly Father please let the sisters hear the phone ring!'"

"Well He did! And it was a miracle!"

Heavenly Father knew that it would work out.  He knew that we lost the phone, and that we needed to find it.  As we waited for Sister Roth to pick us up, we found somethings to use to help this man tie his carts together so he can make it to Mesa.

I know that God always knows of our needs and He knows where we are.  He will help us as we strive to help His children!

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